Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Photography

I finally made it to the photo lab to have about a dozen rolls of 35 mm film developed (C-41 processing). I was pleased to find quite a few images I really liked from last month's visit to Las Vegas and Yosemite. Though before I go on, let's not confuse these photos with the photography project that I have yet to unveil, and which I wrote about briefly in a recent post. I am waiting for the right time to present this project, and would like to do so only after I show them in person to a few collectors.

The other pictures I took along the way (including the ones here) have been posted on my
website, which now has a "photography" section. Photography is not my forte, though I do consider it to be an interesting and crucial outlet for my artistic expression. I am by no means a professional in this trade, and only get by with the minimal knowledge that I possess. Having said this, I am still proud of the images that arise from my investigations with the camera obscura. I place myself in the world in a different way when I am armed with my SLR camera. I am borrowing what I see: repositioning the mundane onto center stage, creating a dreamworld out of something that already exists, or simply framing something I find beautiful in a glorified way. I am not creating something entirely new from pieces of imagery dug up from my subconscious "visual bank". But like my painting, I remain inextricably the subject and the creator at the same time.

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