My recent trip to Nevada took me into new territory--not just physically, but also artistically. This time, with photography. I've always played with this medium in creative ways, but I decided to make it my main instrument for this particular series I had in mind. I admit, I'm a virgin to the ways of digital photography, so I made sure to solicit the help of a photographer friend in order to keep the technical components on point. I don't even own a digital SLR so I definitely needed the support and equipment to follow through with the shoot. And I am so grateful to her for all of it.
I'm currently trying to wrap up post-production on the pieces (very minor polishing up) before I can confidently unveil the new series, but I am feeling a tinge of excitement over these images. Keeping it fresh has kept me on my toes and looking forward to revealing the different ways in which I am able to make my ideas come alive.
wink wink