Monday, September 27, 2010

Bound Masterpiece

I could not be any more proud of my father and his accomplishments as an artist. A book on his life's work Immaterial: The Art of Augusto Albor was published by ArtInformal and released just a couple of months ago. Putting all biases aside, this book is visually stunning and features some of the best work Augusto Albor has to offer from his career spanning 30+ years.

To my parents and children

This book has been in the works for sometime, and now that it's finally here, I can't stop leafing through its fresh smelling pages which have gotten me almost sick with nostalgia. Some of the work I don't recognize--especially the earlier pieces which were sold or given away before I was born. But there are some paintings and sculptures in there which I can recall him slaving away at in his studio while I skipped around him like a pest clamoring for attention. How he tolerated me at the time eludes me. To his annoyance, I even remember suggesting certain colors to add to certain parts of the work in progress. And they were colors I knew he always used--which must have made me all the more annoying.


  1. wow I want to check the book out!
    just a btw I love your work, and your dad's too!

  2. thanks! if you're based in manila, they have copies in ayala museum.


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