Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Website Facelift Success

Finally. 100% control of my website. It feels good. For the longest time I relied completely on a good friend to create and update my website. He was a whiz at html coding and could deliver almost anything I asked for. Problem was, I couldn't change or update anything on there without him. Not a good feeling when you're as impetuous as I am. There were times when I was desperate to get a couple new pieces up on my gallery but couldn't because I had to wait for London to wake up from its slumber. My friend is in London, I'm all the way here in San Francisco. This was not going to work out in the long run.

So I found OtherPeoplesPixels and discovered that a bunch of other artist friends of mine use the service. User-friendly templates that require very little time to construct and manage. Almost zero html. phew. Suits me fine since I'm not a huge design freak and like to stick to minimalism when it comes to websites. It won't be for you if you're all about creating a unique and original site. I had to choose from a fixed selection of fonts and styles. I couldn't import my handwriting or anything that fancy to the design of the interface, so it may be limiting to some fancy-heads out there. I call this limitation "stress free". I'm happy.

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