Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All That My Eyes Can See

watch the mountain grow, 2011

In a previous post, I talked about the new direction my work was taking in relation to the abstract expressionist foundation I worked from with my earlier paintings. I realize how important it was that I went through a stage of large scale action-painting, so that I could break it down into the kinds of detail I am only now able to express in a different way. I've shifted my lens and have zoomed in a bit. The result is a new expressive format comprised of the same raw material I've always used (acrylics, gouache, water color, inks) but manipulated and abstracted in a different way. As a friend just told me this morning over a skype conversation, "you can tell it's the same technician behind the wheel, but with very different results".

You can see two other pieces from this series I'm calling All That My Eyes Can See on my website. I plan to upload more in the next few weeks, but for now I'm letting myself marinate a bit longer in this new beginning.

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