No More Boss But Me
As fate would have it, I am now my own boss--for a little while at least. I no longer have a claustrophobic and windowless office to sulk in for 8 hours a day. I am no longer embedded in a world of petty office politics and the insecurities, paranoia and anxiety that come with it. And most importantly, no more spreadsheets! Not for a while anyway. These walls have been torn down in the most unexpected of circumstances, setting me free to face my greatest dreams, as well as my deepest fears. In short--this is not going to be easy, but certainly most interesting. I need to sit back, recalibrate, and smell the roses.
so freaking proud of you lady. this is going to be the start of your greatest moment to date...and i can't wait to be a witness to it. love you masses, A.x