Monday, July 25, 2011

Free Print!

In the spirit of experimentation, I will be giving away this gyclee print to the first two people who comment on this post. I'd like to see some action on my comment dashboard to get some sense of my readership. I know I've been getting some hits based on my Facebook like button etc, but it would be nice to get some human interaction out of those who either accidentally land on my page, or those who come visit every once in a while. I want to see some words!

So here's the rule: Free print to the first two who comment. Once you've commented, send your postal address to Note: This will not apply to people I know in real life (family, friends, acquaintances...sorry guys!).

Sight 2011 gyclee print 9"x12"


  1. Too bad this doesn't apply to me, but I still think you're cool for looking for legit interaction on your blog. I believe that's how blogs become most efficient in their purpose. Nice one and I'll come check out the original print sometime :) peace! -ak

  2. AK - I'm still giving you brownie points for chirping in though. you're a good friend :)

  3. I want one! emailing you my mailing address now :)


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