Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Still Don't Know What Love Means

I was working on this piece when Ray LaMontagne came on my iTunes. His lyrics, I still don't know what love means, found its rightful spot on the top of my drawing. It felt naturally appropriate to crown this water themed creation with the drowning question of love--since falling in love or being in love is like diving head first into the deep blue and being suspended in water. Sounds pretty cheesy, but the truth is, if you were to pause for a moment to answer this question, I bet it would take more than just a pause to find the right answer.

All that we know for sure is what we ourselves have done in the past that has proven a love in many different ways, shapes or forms. These "acts" come in endless varieties, and at least for me, new forms reveal themselves almost everyday. I lost my job recently and the love I felt from family and friends brought it to a whole new level again. What I knew of love before this tragic event was nothing compared to the love that I received as a consequence. So, for me, the meaning of love is constantly evolving with time and experience--even the most random chain of events can bring out the most extraordinary lessons of the heart. I still don't know what love means as a whole, but I certainly know how to recognize it in all its many guises.

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